Clinical Trials

Clinical Trial Research Studies in Neurology at UCLA
The Department of Neurology at UCLA supports many major research programs. Medical advances must undergo rigorous testing in the form of clinical trials before they can be made available for general use. Early phase clinical trials assess safety and signals of potential benefit of promising drugs and devices. Late phase clinical trials determine if the treatments are effective. Clinical trials represent the final stage of cutting-edge science and medicine's pursuit of improved treatments.
You may learn about clinical trials being performed by the UCLA Department of Neurology, and how to participate, at the UCLA Health System's guide to clinical trials. Each trial description will say if it is actively recruiting and who is eligible to participate. You may click "I'm interested" to provide your contact information and learn more.
You may search the database in several ways:
- Keyword: Search by condition (e.g., epilepsy) by typing the condition in the "Search by keyword" field.
- Department: Search all neurology-related clinical trials by selecting "Neurology" in the "Search by Department" field.
- Purpose: In the "Primary purpose" field, you may leave the search as "Treatment" or change to another purpose.
- Age group: All, adult or children.
- Study type: All, Interventional, Observational and Expanded Access. Explanations of these terms are provided on the search page.
Neurology Clinical Trials at UCLA that are currently recruiting or will be recruiting in the future include the following conditions and research programs as well as others:
- Alzheimer Disease
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- Ataxia
- Brain Mapping
- Epilepsy
- Headache
- Huntington Disease
- Infectious Disease
- Movement Disorders
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Neurogenetics
- Neuro-muscular Diseases
- Neuro-oncology
- Neuro-otology
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Vestibular Disease
- Stroke
Other resources to learn more about clinical trials: